Julia Kucherenko

Fine art & Travel Painter

(Yulia Sushkova )

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Painting is a reflection shimmering upon the water, revealing the hidden depths of the artist's soul. It is a sacred realm where truth resides and transforms, whether it be in tranquil serenity or a tempestuous dance with the elements. With each stroke, every canvas becomes infused with these profound emotions. This is the alchemy through which art awakens, becoming vibrant, authentic, and heartfelt, resonating with the depths of every soul it encounters.

As an artist, I am deeply committed to the art of Plein Air painting.

I firmly believe that only by capturing nature directly on canvas can we convey the essence of its movement, the play of light and illumination that is inherent in the living world. Unlike photography, plein air painting allows for the freedom of interpretation through the artist's eyes and hands. For me, this is the utmost value. I am willing to climb the highest mountains, trudge through waist-deep snowdrifts, ski down slopes, sail in boats, and even soar on a hang glider in pursuit of this artistic luxury. All in order to capture on the canvas the true colors and genuine sense of space, to convey the authentic essence of the moment.

My Paintings are imbued with the feeling and atmosphere of the location they were born. There is a piece of soul, a piece of living energy for everyone here.

I was a Stray, looking for Home everywhere I go. 
Until I realized: this Journey is my Home.